Watching/ following Movies
1. Which kind of movies do you see.
2. Which is the last 3 movies you saw…
3. Any idea on foreign movies?
4. Who are the favorites in movies..
5. How will you evaluate a movie. what are the parameters?
6. Estimate the profit from a movie?
7. What the difference between a serial (sitcoms) and movie..a comparative study
8. Who is Deepa Mehta?
9. How do you define classic movies?
10. Who was the director of the last movie you saw?
11. Who are the actor and actress of the movie?
12. Do you like animations?
13. Had any movie inspired you at any time?...examples
14. What was the scariest movie you have seen
15. What’s the difference between a producer and a director
16. Good scriptwriters make good director… Opinion
17. If you were to critic “titanic” or your favorite movie… how different you would have made it..
18. If you were given the power of Spider man. What you would have done?
19. What are the driving forces of media industry?
20. Any foreign language movies that has inspired you.