Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Interview - Dream Company

What’s you dream company

If you are attending the dream job and profile of the dream company accept otherwise we need not mention that the company that you are being interviewed is the dream one.

• Say what’s is the thing that made you apply for this job..

o Profile of Job

o The huge salary (Be natural the interviewer also knows that for everyone salary matter, but it’s better to place the same in a middle position than you top priority)

o The enlarged responsibilities

o Huge exposure either with respect to new location or new domain

o Flexibility in creativity

o The well renowned team or the qualifications of team members wh9icn enables you to learn more

o The brand of being joining the company..say a Google employee or Microsoft or Mckinsey etc

o It can simply be You like the entire idea or values this company stands for..and you are keen to explore the same.

• If you are not sure what is the exact thing that you are looking for…Then combine all these above factors and put the above factors in an order which satisfies your logic.