Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Monetary Policy & Tools of Monetary policy (CAIIB - Advanced Bank Management)

Monetary Policy is the process by which the Government, Central Bank controls
i. The money supply
ii. Availability of money and
iii. Cost of money or rate of interest.

Monetary policy is referred to as either being an expansionary policy or a contractionary policy.
An expansionary policy increases the total supply of money in the economy. This is used to combat unemployment in a recession by lowering interest rates.
A contradictory policy decreases the total money supply. This is used to combat inflation by raising the interest rates.

 Tools of Monetary policy

  1. Bank Rate.
  2. Cash Reserve Ratio 
  3. Statutory Liquidity Ratio 
  4. Market Stabilization Scheme 
  5. Repo Rate 
  6. Reverse Repo Rate 
  7. Open Market Operations

Bank Rate: It is also referred as Discount rate, is the rate of interest which a central bank charges on the loans and advances that it extends to commercial banks and other financial intermediaries.
Changes in the Bank Rate are often used by Central bank to control the money supply. 
The structure of interest rates is administered by RBI.

Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR): The present banking system is called a “Fractional Reserve Banking System, as the banks are required to keep only a fraction of their deposit liabilities in the form of liquid cash with the central bank for ensuring Safety and liquidity of deposits.
CRR was introduced in 1950 primarily as a measure to ensure safety and liquidity of bank deposits.

Statutory Liquidity Ration (SLR): SLR refers to the amount that all banks requires maintaining in cash or in the form of Gold or approved securities.
Approved securities mean dated securities, government bonds, and share of different companies.
The SLR is determined as % of Total Demand and Time Liabilities.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

CAIIB (ABM - Advanced Bank Management) - Proprietary ratio

 Question: Proprietary ratio is calculated by
  1. Proprietary ratio (also known as Equity Ratio or Net worth to total assets or shareholder equity to total equity).
  2. Establishes relationship between proprietor's funds to total resources of the unit. Where proprietor's funds refer to Equity share capital and Reserves, surpluses and Total resources refer to total assets.
  3. Proprietary ratio = Proprietor's funds/Total assets
  4. This relationship highlights the fact as to what is the proportion of Proprietors and outsiders in financing the total business.


Friday, November 6, 2015

JAIIB Question - SPOT Exchange

In SPOT, the exchange of currencies takes place on:


A foreign exchange spot transaction, also known as FX spot, is an agreement between two parties to buy one currency against selling another currency at an agreed price for settlement on the spot date. The exchange rate at which the transaction is done is called the spot exchange rate. The standard settlement timeframe for foreign exchange spot transactions is T + 2 days; i.e., two business days from the trade date.

Question from JAIIB - AFB -Accounting and Finance for Bankers

FREE JAIIB Mobile APP for Practice - JAIIB Practice Exams LitePrepare for JAIIB certification with this handy app containing 240 questions across the three JAIIB subjects. Review using flash cards, or assess your readiness via mock exams. Download the FREE app from Google Play store: JAIIB Practice Exams LiteMore than 10K + Satisfied customers.
This is the "lite" version of the JAIIB Practice Exams Pro app which has 2300 questions. You can check the "pro" version here:

Thursday, November 5, 2015

FREE JAIIB Mobile APP for Practice - JAIIB Practice Exams Lite

Prepare for JAIIB certification with this handy app containing 240 questions across the three JAIIB subjects. Review using flash cards, or assess your readiness via mock exams. 

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This is the "lite" version of the JAIIB Practice Exams Pro app which has 2300 questions. You can check the "pro" version here: 
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JAIIB Question - A moneylender finds that due to a fail in the rate of interest

A money-lender finds that due to a fail in the rate of interest from 13% to 12.5%, His yearly income from interest falls by Rs. 208. His principal amount is ____


Let the principal amount be Rs X. then, (X \times 13 \times 1)/100 - (X \times 12.5 \times 1)/100=208 X= 208/0.5%= 208*2 *100 X= 41600

Download the JAIIB FREE APP with detailed solution and answers.

 FREE JAIIB APP - JAIIB Practice Exams Lite